

We are looking for a local informant

RobStark is a unique tipping service with daily voice tip analysis and individual approach (private chat – WhatsApp). We are currently number one in the Czech and Slovak market sand also improving our services to a higher level every day. Can you help us with that?

What do you have to fulfil as a local informant?

  • You have an overview of the local sports club
  • You have contacts in the specific club and can give us relevant and beneficial information.
  • You are communicative.

What will be the content of your work?

  • You will help us obtain information about clubs in which you have contacts.
  • If you obtain relevant information, you would contact us and pass on the information.

What will be the result of your work?

  • Reporting of obtained information.
  • Improving our services
  • Increasing the prestige of RobStark

The job is suitable for:

  • A responsible and communicative person who enjoys sports.
  • You will work in the field, so you won't have to be at the office, but we would love to see you. You will become part of the exclusive #TeamRob community.

In conclusion, we would like to add that you are not limited to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. If you have close contacts at a local club in Great Britain, Thailand, or the USA, all the better! We are expanding to foreign countries – local information will help from anywhere.

RobStark & Numbers (2022):

  • We have helped more than 25,000 people change their approach to betting.
  • In total, we have helped our clients win 40,000,000+ EUR.
  • More than 85% of our clients are loyal.
  • We are growing by 100+% annually.